When you’ve found the pieces you love, with or without your designer’s help, it’s important to know why you love them. Is it because you saw a piece in a magazine or on TV, or your best friend just redid a room and has a piece that looks great, so you need it too? Was it priced too good to pass up? These are all good reasons to like something, but these are not reasons to commit. The piece needs to cause you to react emotionally, like selecting that cheesecake over all of the other scrumptious desserts because it was the one that made your mouth water! Let it speak to you, as if to say, “you will absolutely love me every time you see me!” A designer can, at this point, take those pieces that you’ve genuinely fallen in love with, and begin to build a story, perhaps a fairy tale, whose main characters are those things that love you. Next week, I’ll write about, well, writing the story. Until then, remember, everyone can’t play the main characters.
Happy Hunting,
Photograph by Laurey Glenn